Scrapbook 2005

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Mediterranean Heights housing

The surprises these past days were more of a shock.

Today, I got the notice of installment/amortization from
PAG-IBIG for the purchase of my house.

I reserved for a lofthouse in Mediterranean Heights last
July. I completed the last of the requirements (24 months of PAG-IBIG
contribution) last December 7. I should be glad that PAG-IBIG readily
approved my housing loan and I will have my own house...but I am not.

My mother and I dropped by MH last Christmas to see how much
has already been constructed. For our block, we only saw steel bars.
The next block already had houses even if they were not painted yet.

It surprised me therefore to read PAG-IBIG's notice that the
lofthouse has already been taken out last December 13. What I
gathered from the PAG-IBIG housing loan seminar that I went to last
July, it inspects the house before approving the loan. There was no
house last Christmas and much less last December 13. The developer
hasn't even contacted me since November. The seminar also informed us
to course our amortization to the developer for two years after

Anyway, I will verify these with PAG-IBIG this Friday.

01-11-08 1am
