Scrapbook 2005

Blogroll Me!


Joyeux Noel from Sayong and Family

Friends and dear ones,
I got the following mesage from John Lesaca today:
Rivers don't drink the water they carry;
trees don't eat the fruit they bear;
Clouds don't bathe in the rain they produce..
So giving takes an unusual turn,
allowing us to TRULY give,
comforted in the knowledge that we get nothing from it.
So, if you want to feel true satisfaction, you may send me your gifts and expect nothing in return :)  Just kidding :)
I only want you to know that my life is richer because of you and that I am thankful.   

Merry Christmas and a Properous New Year!

12-21-07  5:15pm


Shang Yi

Credo in unum Deum
For He that is mighty has done great things for me - Luke 1:49
