Scrapbook 2005

Blogroll Me!


Ça y est!

Ça y est! Our final exam is over :)

Je suis heureuse :) And this despite all the mistakes I did
:) Seriously. Je sais que I'm not infallible :)

Bebot pointed out that manquer (to miss), which I used twice
in the oral exam, has a different structure et j'ai oublié. Je pense
que Alix a dit on déjà, even if it's just in passing. I remember that
our classmate Faith asked about it in our first term. But je ne peux
pas trouver quelque chose dans mon carnet. Il y a seulement la
question : Qu'est-qu'il manque ?

Whatever, I'm just happy. It's over and done with. There
will be another term to experiment and make more mistakes, provided
that Alix permits it :)

BTW, the episode of Alias tonight (Channel 23) had several
dialogues in French.

08-10-07 12:10am
