Scrapbook 2005

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black day

I will mark this year's Feast of the Black Nazarene as one
of my black days. My eyes are puffy and hurt from crying. Our unit's
current officer-in-charge didn't permit me to continue studying French
at the Foreign Service Institute on official time.

I asked repeatedly but I was denied. I reasoned that I
would only be gone one and a half hours a week, that our consultant
researcher-writer promised to be present on the days that I would have
to leave early for class, and that we'd have a new researcher soon as
we will begin interviewing shortlisted applicants this Thursday.

I was told that in those short time, anything can happen and
that those that would be left behind couldn't be trusted to do the
research and coordination right, especially the future employee.

Though I am made to sound indispensable, I know perfectly
well that it is not true. I know that I can do the job efficiently
but others can do that as well. A new employee might take a little
time but will learn the ropes soon enough.

But most of the time, our unit is not receptive to training
people. The argument is that we are so busy and that our work is
always urgent, that there is just no time to train. It is no wonder
that after Em and Kristine left, I am the youngest at 35. And no
wonder that the unit is dying. The old people just wanted to stay
while the younger ones resign. I already asked last November to be
rotated (transferred to another unit) but because we are so few, I was
told to wait and keep my patience.

Anyway, I am heartened that my teacher volunteered to write
the office and convince the bosses. She really feels bad about losing
one of her best students…ehem…. Most classmates also expressed their
sympathy. What is this batch's FSI French class without me? :)

01-10-08 2:25am
