Scrapbook 2005

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bread of Padre Pio

I miss the holy bread of Padre Pio or so it was called. For
me, its taste was a combination of a hotcake and a puto but better
than either of the two. So when I saw the Pillsbury hotcake mix
tonight, I immediately cooked one but was quite disappointed.

I received the dough from our family friend Joy last August
22. From day one, I tagged it for what it was, a "chain bread" and
didn't believe it was holy or anything. On the second day, I searched
about it on the internet and saw an enlightening blog entitled Mommy's
Bread ( I
learned a lot from it and all the comments.

09-04-07 11:55pm


This bread is called "Hemin." It is the bread of Padre Pio and comes
from the Vatican. It brings blessings to every family who eats it.

1. Once you receive the dough, put it in a glass bowl. Cover with
paper or plastic wrap. Do not put inside the refrigerator.
2. first and second day – Do not touch. It must adapt to and absorb
its surroundings. This is what makes it unique from family to family.
3. third and fourth day – Mix once with wooden spoon.
4.. fifth day – add 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour and 1 cup sugar. Mix
with wooden spoon.
5. sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth days – Mix once with wooden spoon.
6. tenth day – Add 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour and 1 cup sugar. Mix
well with wooden spoon. Separate the dough into four equal portions
and give away the portions to three different people.
7. Keep the fourth portion and add 1/4 cup sugar, 3 eggs 1/2 cup oil
and 2 tsp. baking powder. Mix well with a wooden spoon, grease the
loaf pan and bake in oven at 325 degrees for 30 minutes.
8. The bread should be eaten only by the family and not to be taken
out of the house.

8. Transfer the dough to a large crystal or glass bowl (pyrex)
9. Other members of the family can mix the dough with a wooden spoon.
10. Use a pyrex loaf pan or round pan.
11. You and the family should consume the bread for the whole day.
12. The prayer shall be recited before eating the bread with your family
13. Microwave oven or a big oven toaster can be used.
14. First day is the day you received the dough.

 You cannot refuse the bread once given to you and use only wooden
spoon to mix.
 You are allowed to make this "Hemin bread" once in your lifetime.

O Jesus, full of grace and charity, victim for sinners, so impelled by
Your love of us that You willed to die on the cross. I humbly entreat
Thee to glorify in heaven and on earth, Blessed Padre Pio of Petricina
who generously participated in Your sufferings, who loved Thee so much
and labored so faithfully for the glory of Your Heavenly Father and
for the good of souls. With confidence, I beseech Thee to grant me
through his intercession the grace of _____, which I ardently desire.

Glory be to the Father... (3 times) Amen.
