Blogroll Me!


at Music Match

I only had three hours of sleep the day before but I am not
yet sleepy.

My mother and I had to translate a speech into Ilocano this
Sunday night. We finished at 3:30am of Monday and I went to sleep at
4am. Of course, I had to get up 3 hours after because I had to go to

I didn't have my usual nap at noon because we had to work.
Thankfully, my 15-minute rest after that refreshed my eyes and
recharged me.

Thus, I still had energy to rush after work because I
organized a post-birthday celebration for my favorite teacher in
French this Monday night. As if I had any other French teacher :)
But for so long, I haven't met a teacher who is as conscientious and
dedicated as Alix. She teaches even when she's sick. In fact, she
reminds me of my high school teachers, especially my teachers in
Filipino, who bothered to check every paper we submit and return them
promptly with their corrections. Most of us learned a lot from the
numerous assignments that Alix gave us last year. Anyway, she's so
nice that even those who failed or dropped the class for one reason or
another still regard her highly.

We went to Music Match, a videoke bar, in Diosdado Macapagal
Ave. I've never been to this place but one of my former classmates
suggested it. It's quite cheap: 3,000 pesos (exclusive of tax) only
for a group of 10 in 3 hours and this package includes food and

Of course, food didn't really matter when we were so busy
singing or looking for songs to sing. Like last year, we sang Fame,
Flash Dance and other Bon Jovi songs. Alix likes rock :)

And now, I'm still high :) And to think that I never take
any alcoholic beverage. Or should I take one so I'd be depressed? :)
I wonder how I'd be if I ever become drunk. But that's almost
impossible as I really avoid it. Not even The Lord's Day in Singles
for Christ could make me drink wine. Anyway, as I usually tell
friends, I am already uninhibited without alcohol and it might be a
disaster if I do otherwise.

It's funny to discover tonight that one of my classmates is
also like that. She didn't take any alcoholic beverage or even any
sugar-filled drink like ice tea but she kept on singing uninhibitedly.

This reminds me of a new favorite: Korean actor Ryu Si Won,
who also happens to be a good singer. But that's for another entry :)

05-27-08 2am
